In Mankind
세계 최초 인공지능 음반 레이블
인공지능 작곡, 편곡 + 인간 작사, 노래
음악 엔터테인먼트 산업의 뉴 패러다임을 제시
음반 제작, 아티스트 매니지먼트 및 공연
A.I.M is the world's first AI record label launched in 2018, and is the agency to which Aimy Moon belongs.
It has the meaning of “Arts in Mankind”, founded and operated by a company called Enterarts, and aims to be a cutting-edge entertainment label that combines Music and technology.
Our moto is “Music is for All”, We are creating an ecosystem where not only creators but also listeners feel the joy of creating Music & Art and enjoy it together.
A.I.M has been producing and releasing various K-Pop records by practically applying artificial intelligence music generation technology.
Aimy Moon, an artificial intelligence virtual songwriter and music producer, is the world's only virtual artist equipped with artificial intelligence automatic music generation technology.
Together with you, we will use artificial intelligence technology as a tool to create joyful, meaningful and valuable digital music video works.
Music is for All, Your life is the Art.

인공지능 X 인간감성이 어우러진 음악 에코시스템을 상징하는 브랜드
“A.I.M” The Brand of Musical Ecosystem
powered by Artificial Intelligence and Human Emotion

A.I.M Logo